Friday, February 12, 2010

Has Cinema Lost It's Charm ?


Today the theaters are not modify half as flooded as they used to be meet two years back. People meet do not seem to be interested in feat to the theaters any more. What could be the movies/s?
Except for Aamir, Khan and Hrithik Roshan there is no actor worth his salt in bollywood who can guarantee modify a 30% flooded theaters on the first exhibit yield alone a house flooded Friday.

No doubt that the tickets at the multiplexes are costly, no denying that the colas and popcorns are sold at exorbitant prices, a small outing for a family of fivesome could cost the family not less than 1500 rupees. However, money factor cannot be the only reason for the waning welfare in cinema.

On the another hand, there is no harm on pondering over the fact that the so-called stars have lost their command to draw the audiences in to the theaters? No magic seems to be working neither of the actors nor of the films. The problem is we have a spate of actors who conceive they are stars and charge the producers a big amount, which they meet do not deserve by any movies of the imagination. Their only claim to stardom is that their photos are splashed in the page 3 section of the daily newspapers.

The media has in its own selfish welfare kept up the hype of many of the unworthy actors in Bollywood. There are also reports of whatever reporters and journalists favoring a particular actor in exchange of gifts. The lure of big money gets whatever trash films 3 and 4 grapheme reviews in the media , that’s what I have heard, which could very well be true otherwise how could a flick like “Kaminey”, “Acid Factory” intend beatific and decent reviews. The same goes for the reviews of books.

Actually, the problem is that today in the field of filmmaking, book-publishing, creativity has taken a back seat, and money is seen sitting at the wheel, driving . The real grapheme and base of any flick or aggregation is its news yet the writer or communicator is the most neglected segment of the process. He is one of the least paid.

Leaving aside monetary considerations the major problem occurs when literature has to be movies so bland that it does not surprise or breach anyone. By sanitizing literature/scripts to meet the sensibilities of the Indian censor, board you retrograde its power, its ability to make an impact is totally lost.

When you retrograde veritable creativity, you are like the fly by night operator who meet wants to movies a quick buck and move on to the next innocent victim. Today’s theater feat audience and aggregation readers are a bunch of half wits watching cheap recreation or movies non relevant books which have the depth of a 40 rupees Mc Donald’s burger.
Today both Bollywood and Hollywood is churning discover garbage and so are whatever of the best selling authors in India. No astonishment Francis author Copolla recently stated, “Cinema is losing the publics interest”

In Bollywood, it is wrongly believed that a so-called “star” can make a flick hit, null can be more wrong than this statement. Recently the big grapheme of Bharat Salman Khans two films got released – “Wanted” went on to become a super impact and the same actors another flick “Mr. and Mrs. Khanna” also starring Karenna Kapoor, was a disaster right from period one.


I conceive a beatific news properly told will ever hold the publics interest. But then beatific stories requirement a Brobdingnagian lot of time, have to go through a process of several drafts and for that the author/writer has to be paying a decent turn so that he can devote his instance good to his work as also endure in the big cities respectfully. Sadly what we are witnessing today is the decline of the author/writer and hence the paucity of beatific stories.

Story urges the creation of works that will touch audiences and aggregation lovers on the six continents and live in revival and publication for decades. No one needs yet another recipe aggregation or how to retrograde weight aggregation .Cinema loving people are fed up of Hollywood and Bollywood remakes. We requirement to rediscover the inexplicit tenets of our art; we requirement to relearn the art of news telling. No matter where a flick is movies or a aggregation published – America, London, Bharat – if its of archetypal quality, it triggers a global and perpetual chain reaction of pleasure that carries it from theater to theater, aggregation class to aggregation shop, generation to generation. That should be our goal.

The period production houses follow the dictum – “CONTENT IS STAR NOT THE ACTOR” – THE CHARM AND MAGIC OF CINEMA WILL BE BACK.



Book – “Assassination Of George Bush”

Film - “Black & White”

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